Seamlessly Move Your 2nd Phone Number to Your New iPhone!

Switching to a new iPhone shouldn't mean leaving your 2nd Phone Number behind. Here's a quick guide to get you up and running with your second line on your new device:

What you'll need:

  1. Your current iPhone with the 2nd Phone Number app installed.

  2. Your new iPhone.

  3. A stable internet connection (Wi-Fi is recommended).

Steps to Transfer:

  1. Back-Up Your Current Phone: Make sure to create a backup of your existing iPhone using iCloud or iTunes. This ensures your data, including your 2nd Phone Number app information, is securely stored.

  2. Set Up Your New iPhone: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setup process for your new iPhone.

  3. Restore from Backup: When prompted, choose to restore your new iPhone from your previous backup. This will transfer all your data, including the 2nd Phone Number app.

  4. Launch the 2nd Phone Number App: Once your new iPhone is restored, open the 2nd Phone Number app. You should be able to access your second line seamlessly.

Additional Tips:

  • If you encounter any issues during the transfer process, restart both your old and new iPhones.

  • Ensure you're signed in with the same Apple ID on both devices.

  • For added security, consider enabling two-factor authentication for your 2nd Phone Number account.

Need Help?

Our friendly customer support team is happy to assist you with the transfer process. Feel free to reach out to them at: you have any questions.

Happy Switching!