General Queries

Can My Phone or 2nd Phone Number be Traced?
Here's how 2nd Phone Number protects your privacy: No Location Tracking: 2nd Phone Number doesn't track your device location or share it with oth...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 10:34 AM
What Occurs When I Cancel My Subscription?
Unfortunately no. It's crucial to maintain an active subscription to retain your 2nd Phone Number. Here's why: 1. Number-Subscription Link: Your...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 10:34 AM
Is 2nd Phone Number an eSIM?
2nd Phone Number is not an eSIM. It offers a different solution for obtaining a virtual phone number: 2nd Phone Number : Utilizes "VoIP technolog...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Will the 2nd Phone Number App Function if I Have a Different Apple ID?
2nd Phone Number differs from eSIM technology as it offers a unique solution for acquiring a virtual phone number: 2nd Phone Number : Operates on VoIP te...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Can I Utilize 2nd Phone Number for Emergency Services?
While 2nd Phone Number provides communication capabilities, it's crucial to recognize its limitations in emergency scenarios: WiFi Numbers: Virtual ...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Can I Forward Calls from my USA AT&T Mobile Number to 2nd Phone Number?
Forwarding calls from your AT&T mobile number to your 2nd Phone Number number is indeed possible, provided the 2nd Phone Number number is a US number. H...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 10:35 AM